“History cannot give us a program for the future, but it can give us a fuller understanding of ourselves, and of our common humanity, so that we can better face the future.” –Robert Penn Warren

The purpose of the Nottoway County Historical Association is to study, preserve, and disseminate the history and culture of this county, viz.:

Consider joining the Nottoway County Historical Association and become a part of gathering, protecting, and preserving our history. Membership benefits include invitations to special events and lectures, collaboration with local history experts, and voting rights. To join, please fill out the form below. Individual $20

Nottoway County was first inhabited by native American Indians of the Iroquoian nation tribe called Nadowa. The Nadowa lived along the County’s only river and the name of their tribe became associated with the area they inhabited. This name was Anglicized with the coming of English settlers to ‘Nottoway’.